Monday, February 3, 2014

the potty

I have been dreading this..

Potty training.

I knew it was time to start the never ending process of introducing "the potty" to Jude when he decided to take off his diaper in the middle (or beginning) of the night in his crib. Which means.... A mess when I get up. Not really a mess, just to clarify, but a soaked blanket or three.

He has followed everyone in this house into the bathroom more times than I can count so I knew he would be okay sitting on the potty and washing his hands, ect. But I wasn't too sure how the connection between a little mans pee-pee and the actual potty-ing would go.

Gavin was SO easy to potty train because it was just him and I here. It took just about two weeks to get him to always use the potty and only wear pull ups at night (ps, I forget about potty training at night... ohhh I just got stressed). Easy-peasy-lemon-squeezy.

So we got out the leftover package of Thomas the Train undies that Gavin never wore and put them on last week. Day one, SUCCESS! I thought to myself, "wow, I have an amazingly smart little man". And then day two and three were just about as awful as they could get. Many soaked undies and messes to clean up on the floor. Dan has little to no time to deal with the messes so I'm always the one wiping up that yellow mess on the floor. Thankfully we have very little carpet in our house. I've never been more grateful for our tiny house. Today we are golden. No oppsies thus far. We sit on the potty every 30 minutes and read and hand out smarties left and right and sing as well. It's a beautiful time. Our bathroom can fit two people (one adult and one small child) comfortably, because it's teeny tiny, so when we put two small children and myself in there it's quite cramped. Plus, then Gavin thinks he needs treats for going potty--- ummm I don't think so. I remember a very specific maid of honor speech that was something along the lines of, "I was easy to potty train because I wanted to be just like my older sister" and I went with it. So all three of us hang in the bathroom and clap and scream for everyone who goes potty. It really is wonderful. Whenever I find myself getting annoyed I have to honestly check myself and think Jude wants to be just like his brother- go with it!

Now that we're on day four I'm going to try really hard to stick to our routine of using the potty. And eventually being brave enough to venture out of our house without a diaper or pull up on. But until the next two weeks are over (when my baby turns TWO- OH MY GOSH, REALLY? TWO?) I'll keep up with the potty training and undie wearing at home and pull ups when we're in public.

Crossing my fingers for a great, dry day :)

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