Sunday, February 20, 2011


so it's been a VERY busy weekend.... spent in the cities, or st paul and minnetonka for that matter.
saturday on the way home from the shopping dan got a call. it was julian. "hey, hey, yea, what are you doing tonight?.... um, yea, let me talk to sam"
i thought, hmm okay? i told him last weekend after our all day/half night icescapade that i was NOT doing anything this weekend (drinking wise/going out).
dan said that julian got some tickets and wanted to take dan and i to a wild game for all the work dan's done on julians house. ummm OKAY!!!!! :)
we had the prevliege to go with andy and emily to a game in january and had a blast!
we rolled out of town around 9, too early for me on a weekend, and ventured to the cities---- PRE snow!
arrived at the excel center.
walked right in the perfect door to get straight to our section. i looked at the ticket--- it said, row 6, seat 17. now i didn't really understand that section 103, row six was...
right. off. center. ice......
OMG (and this is NO zoom on my camera phone).

we almost made it on to the big screen after the row in front of us won free pizzas. super cool.
so after 3 amazing and intense filled periods we were tied with detroit, 1-1.... the avid red wing fan siting next to me practically screamed in my ears after detroits goal. i'm sure i did the same as the wild got their only goal after a breakaway. it. was. aahhhhmazing.
sudden death over time. well, that took all of the 5 minutes. now onto the shoot out. the red wings scored their first goal (below).. and with two misses from the wild, detroit was up for the third and final shoot. they scored. boooo!
over all.... ahhhmazing! seriously, i am going to invest in many tickets next year. i miss hockey so much and i will DEFINITELY pay LOTS of money for those tickets. up close and personal is the way to go!
and I NEED a jersey... i've got four on my mind:
the common: clutterbuck
the hottie: backstrom
the for the last name: stoner or cullen ;)
the ride home was not so fabulous. with a whiteout, lots of snow and wind and probably five or so cars in the ditch we were happy to see darwin knowing we were very close to home.
THANK YOU JULIAN and TIF! we had a bbbbbbbbbbbbblast!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

good reads

just finished the best book:
The Shack- by William P. Young
it's honestly SO good. it's a great book with such a fabulous meaning. although it was hard to read at some points, the pages flew by.
i HIGHLY suggest reading it.

another good, super quick read is:
Oogy- by Larry Levin
i am bound and determined to work/volunteer in the veterinary/shelter world.
AND to find a dogo!

any good book you've just read? i need to find a new one, asap. i feel naked without one near me at all times :)

Monday, February 14, 2011

41 and sunny

i hope everyone enjoyed some time outside on sunday.
gavin and i spent the majority of the afternoon wondering
around the backyard with maddy,
or madmay as gavin calls her.
it was beautiful.
with just boots, a hat, sweatshirt and snowpants..
gavin was a happy boy!
when you combine this..with get this... LOTS of kisses! the maddy took gavin for a sled ride.
we need to find some sort of harness for her.

she's so strong that she just pulled im ALL over the backyard

then daddy came home and pushed gavin

he Loved it, with a CAPITOL L!dan pushes him so fast that he just about whiped outthen we did some swinging.. and a quick ride on the "mo mo"... vroom vroom as gavin says.

it was a perfect sunday! and a sun day as well ;)

(cheesy i know!)

back to work, back to work i go.

so on friday i had an interview at howard lake middle school for a para-professional job.
back up to tuesday. hmm, well i haven't had an interview since 2007 when i interviewed at juut. needless to say i was not nervous but anxious. then forgetting that i can't bring my child with, i started to get nervous about who could watch him. lizzie johnson (sarah's sister) came to mind. asked her, she can.. great. okay so now what..
waiting, waiting, waiting till friday.
lizzie comes a little early (thank you!) so i can get on the road. everyone told me it would take 45 minutes to get to howard lake... no. it took 30 minutes which meant that i sat in my car for 15 minutes making myself nervous.
the interview was right on time..
but, it was honestly 85 degrees in the room we interviewed in... and it was three people instead of just the one i thought it would be. and i felt like i answered the same answer for at least four of the questions.
well i must of done okay because by 4 pm on friday i accepted the position.
i'm actually really proud of myself because i landed this job with no connections. my mom works for this company, but they have no idea i'm her daughter. and to be frank, i don't want them to know until i can prove to them i'm capable of handling this job.
my job entails working with a little girl and helping her develop skills to be more independent. it's a school within a school called, TREK. it's for children who are having a hard time learning in the mainstream school. they are from the MAWSECO school districts and are bused over to howard lake. we will be doing TEEACH projects, discreet trial training, boardmaker and other programs- all which i've already worked with in previous jobs.
to go along with this job is sending my sweet little gavin to daycare. I'M FREAKING OUT. tomorrow i will spend the majority of the day calling daycares around litchfield, dassel and cokato to try to find the perfect fit for gav.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

recap.. thus far

it's been such a great week, and it's only thursday.
last night dan and i went out for dinner (and got seated right away, which never happens) and to a movie.
now, the roommate wasn't all i thought it would be. i hyped it up so much that it was kind of a let down. the acting was, well poor and the storyline took forever to get into. the ending was great, but it seriously lacked something. which is so sad because cam gigandet was in it and i simply love him. i think dan got a little sick of me raving about how hot he was, because he said if i said anything else he was going to leave. minka kelly was great, but leighton meester was not so great- and i love her too in gossip girl. she was absolutely psychotic and freaked me out big time. over all it was okay.. not one i'd run out and get asap.
we headed back to help mike hicks celebrate his 24th birthday, woo hoo! i feel like i'm getting old now.. we got there and i got to see my little love bucket, justine. dan and i both enjoyed two beers, and a shot from "winning" 7, 14, 21. over all it was a great night. but the best part, the very best part was coming home and talking to shari about how addy is in REMISSION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
simply put; pure bliss.
we couldn't be more excited and happy for addy and her family!
this saturday we have so much going on. with bocci ball, shake the lake and the kaping family benefit i'm not sure how we'll fit it all in. gavin's really excited to spend some qtime with his "papa" and grams. and i'm ready for a night out :)
i hope to share some other good news in the near future, but until then all this good news will have to do.

Monday, February 7, 2011

In TWO days.

Dan and I will be celebrating the day....
The day he asked me to marry him.
February 9th, 2007
We're doing the oh so wonderful dinner and a movie. Dinner: at Dan's second favorite place to eat, Buffalo Wild Wings. We can't make it to St. Cloud and back at a good time on a work night for TGIFridays- sorry Dan. Movie: a movie I've been dying to see since I've seen the first trailer, The Roommate.
I'm hoping for an amazing night.
That's right people, four years ago.

It still feels like yesterday, well kinda that he asked me to marry him. I can remember texting people that I was engaged, and really not many people believed me. I couldn't even believe it myself. At that point in my life I wasn't sure I even wanted to get married, let alone be engaged. But I said yes, because I loved/love Dan. I remember Hanna had just got engaged and I was living with Angie talking to her about how crazy it is that we're all growing up. And then all the sudden, bam! It was me texting Angie telling her to come home from the bar and help us celebrate.

We came home the next night (to Justine and Anthony's) and I hid my hands under the table. I was so shy to tell everyone about it. I didn't want people to make a fuss. So suddenly Justine and Kristin we're looking at me and I'm sure they were texting each other (even though they were right next to each other- something they used to do frequently). Then it just came out. I don't remember who said what but it went like this: "why that's a nice ring on your finger"....

I was like, uhhh yep. Then finally Dan broke out the news that we were engaged. They were all so surprised that we didn't freak out and tell them right away, but we were extremely modest. They second guessed me at first because.. dunn dunn dunn: it wasn't on facebook yet. BAHAHAHA!

This is the picture of the night after we got engaged. See how I'm still covering my hand? haha! Look at that blonde hair!!!! WOOOOW!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

real housewives of litchfield?

one of my "vices" is eh... not so proud to say it: the real housewives of beverly hills. now before you jump to conclusions, please let me explain.
i love kyle richards. and lisa vanderpump. kyle's entire family is beautiful and i love how she spends time with her family. and lisa, well i love her, almost everything about her. this season was so much drama, and if you watched this season at all you'd know what i'm talking about. it's been overplayed and worn out time and time again, but i'm sad to see it go.
i kind of wonder what it would be like if cameras followed around anyone (or me and my friends ;)..) from litchfield. we don't have thousands/millions/billions of dollars to spend on x,y,&z, bentleys, endless shopping sprees, nannies, plastic surgery, ect. ect. but i'm sure our lives could be just as interesting living in this small town. if it's just staying in your home with your family, or heading out for a wild (vf/legion/dreaded kickers) night on the town, or having a "bonfire" with family and friends, i'm pretty sure people might find our little lives somewhat interesting. maybe i should pitch this idea to bravo? i'm thinking no. just a thought.

if your interested at all in the housewives you can check out the link below.