Tuesday, June 28, 2011

if you have some free time

please check out these amazing videos.
this guy is amazing. totally wish i would of hired him to make a video(s) like this for my wedding!
this is my dear, beautiful friend, ashley and her husband joel.
there are a few other videos of ashley and joel leading up to the wedding as well.
you can go here to visit his viemos.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

where is the sun?

seriously, it's been a depressing week. i'm in some desperate need of sunshine. there's a slight overcast today, but it's so chilly! gavins wearing his long sleeved favorite tractor shirt and jeans- and it's JUNE!!! i'm hoping that it will be simply beautiful by 6 when gavin, sarah and i venture to central park for pie in the park and a little marching band entertainment. if not beautiful, at least a little warmer. it's like 55 degrees right now and i really want to put gavin in his winter coat (if it still fits) and plop him into his bike trailer so we (i mean me), can get some exercise. because being indoors all week, okay maybe not all week, but for the last two days is creating a restless, hyper, almost two year old.
tomorrow morning gavin goes to daycare, i go to breakfast with erin, and then my mom and i have a busy afternoon in hutch getting some last minute things for gavin's birthday party on saturday and doing a little antique and flower shopping.
let's pray for some beautiful weather for the weekend. we have an incredibly busy and fun weekend planned with three parties on saturday and a whole boatload of fun on the water on sunday.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

summer delight.

doesn't my title for this blog sound like an amazing drink? a summer salad? or something else delicious?
my first two weeks of summer vacay have been so great... and if this is any indication of what's to come for the remainder of these three months, i'm going to have so much fun.
gavin is home with me now, and goes to daycare only on fridays, so we get plenty of mommy and "little man" bonding time. we already have such a routine down- walking in the morning and listening/watching the marching band practice, playing outside for an hour or so, coming in and watching a movie, preparing and eating lunch, nap time, playing outside, going for a bike ride... ahh, the time together is so great.
of course dan and i have so much going on with weddings, showers, birthdays, ect. ect. that i'm taking in every single ounce of gavin time that i can. and with that we need to start planning zoo trips and other things to do with my sweet love. by the way.. can you believe he's going to be two in just over a week? i can't! we're still on that daunting task of getting him potty trained... eh! i'm hoping now that i'm home every day we can get into a schedule and try harder than in the past.
we have three very exciting new news for our family. dan just got another raise to become a fourth year apprentice, which also means that he only has one more year left of school- woo hoo! i'm so so proud of dan!
the other two will have to wait until we're 100% sure about them. i don't want to "count my eggs before they hatch"--- which is SO cheesy but is one of dan's favorite new sayings. both would be great news! i'm crossing my fingers! :)