Sunday, January 20, 2013

i, i, i, i workout

i have joined the gym! praise the lord!
after months and months of thinking abut doing it, i've finally done it.
and everyone's comment of "it's so expensive" that has always been lingering over me has been more than wrong. it's not that expensive.. $30 a month for endless access to a gym with amazing equipment and tanning... are you kidding?
so here's my february schedule:
monday: bootcamp
tuesday: tredmill/leg work
wednesday: bootcamp
thursday: yoga
friday: tredmill/arm work
saturday: day of rest
sunday: jillian (yes, back at her shred, urgh)
who is watching my kids you may ask: their father! well, until spring time comes- then i'm screwed! gyms need a daycare system.
by the way, speaking of dan. drive by our house anytime in the upcoming week. you will be greeted with an amazing view. a new van. so that is car #4 at this home. FOUR. 4. cuatro. ridiculousness! i am trying to think of creative ways to hid this monster of a van.

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