i can't believe jude is only three weeks old.i feel like he's been here for at least a month or two.
our life is getting so much easier now that we're adjusting to our new lifestyle of... four.
jude is not the baby that gavin was, but i knew this.. right? wrong! i assumed jude would be this easy baby just like gavin. gavin was hands down, the easiest baby ever. jude, well not so much. wait though, don't get me wrong, he's a good baby... but gavin, well he must of been a freak of nature! jude is a little fussy when it comes to eating- sometimes he eats 3-4 oz and sometimes he will barely finish off 2 oz. and sometimes he'll spit up quite a bit and then need to re-eat.. urgh! and then there's his sleeping---- ha! he's actually a good sleeper. he goes to bed around 10-10:30, gets up at 1, 4 and up for good usually around 6:30ish. but, we're still working on sleeping on his back, flat. so he's now sleeping in his boppy (don't judge) and my chest at night. we will concur this sleeping thing, but i just don't want to have a screaming baby waking up gavin in the middle of the night. he is napping in his favorite boppy lounger, but his afternoon naptime is usually four or so hours, so i will eventually put him in his crib, like i said, eventually... one thing i will say is jude doesn't ever wake up when gavin drives his trucks on the hardwood floors in the living room- or when gavin screams at me for some reason, so that's a plus.
onto gavin- well, he is a big brother now and he will tell you all about being a big brother if you ask him. we were at story hour on friday (not a good time) and gavin actually got defensive about little breck looking at his little brother in his car seat. and then after he was the big brother of the year, he continued to be that naughty kid at story hour; we quickly left! gavin helps me bathe jude and hands me diapers and pretty much anything i ask gavin to get. when i have to run out to feed maddy gavin gets to be "in charge" and he thinks it's pretty cool. gavin does get to take a break from the baby as he heads downstairs and plays in "his room" aka the playroom/downstairs living room. and he loves when jude is sleeping so he gets moms full attention. so far, so good. gavin has adjusted much better than i ever thought he would. we're getting ready to sign him up for preschool, something i know he will thoroughly enjoy.
me.. i. want. to. workout. seriously, it's killing me. i have started to work on my arms, just lifting light weights and doing as many push ups as these flabby arms can do. but i want to go for a cold, brisk walk... NOW! and i want to start to workout in my living room to jillian, now! i want to join back up at the gym, now. and i really want to start yoga and bootcamp, now. have you figured out that i want to work out? i didn't have any of the "down there" problems after childbirth so i am mooooooore than capable to start up right? wrong! i asked, she said no. i still have just over a week before i can start any strenuous workout... and she said that "that might be pushing it". baaaahhumbug! i have however, started pricing out double joggers and the one that i am more than in love with is over $250, so i'm going to have to show dan that i am going to use this jogger and be serious about this fitness thing asap so we can purchase in time for spring. the great thing about a february baby? by summer jude can be in a stroller without his carseat! double jogger time! i want to get all of this baby belly leftover flab gone by may... i think that's a more than reachable goal for now- but i might end up changing it... may kicks off our summer/early fall of six weddings. and besides looking good in that dress, i want to feel good in all those dresses i'm going to purchase! side note- dresses are my favorite thing to purchase, by far! and thankfully, (not for dan) only two of the weddings won't have all the same people at them so i can't really "re-wear" the dresses! my postpartum is gone, or well i think it was just "baby blues" and that, is a good thing. those first couple days were awful and i am so thankful i am not suffering anymore.
dan, well dan tells me every single time he hears jude crying that we are completely done having kids. dan just can't really handle it. he couldn't with gavin either. obviously, men seem to enjoy their children when they are a little bit older and less fragile. dan heads out for the garage when it's judes bath time simply because the sound of jude crying makes dan a little frustrated. dan and jude have this weird bond though, much stronger than the bond he and gavin shared at this age, it's cute! dan and gavin have tons of outdoor projects to start once this snow melts and the temperatures heat up a little. gavin's pretty excited about the "andbox" that dads going to build for him- he talks about it, evvvvery day. other than that dan's finally done with school so no more missing him on saturdays, and dan's not doing any side jobs so we, the three of us, have his full attention. i will cherish these days and take full advantage of them. come spring i'm sure it will be a different blog post about me complaining how dan's so busy!
hmmm what else?... i am going out for my first night out... scary! dan has been begging me to go with him to hairball and it's in willmar so we gathered a few of our friends and got some tickets. i am going to have to drink at least one glass of wine or one margarita (not complaining) after the boys go to bed so my tolerance is somewhat up there so i'm not a mess on saturday. kind of nervous about going out... i just don't remember going out and coming home and taking care of a newborn- i know i did it with gavin, but just don't remember at all. i do know that i don't need to hit it as hard as i did before i got pregnant, that is not necessary!