woooooooooooooah! i don't know why i am so shocked... but i am!
after spending the majority of the day thinking i was getting cues from 'up there' that i was having a girl, i was quickly brought back to reality. i think we were there for just about an hour taking up to at least 78 photos, the ultrasound tech wrote on the screen "I'M A BOY" and i honestly lost my breath. there were so many emotions and thoughts going on in my head that i didn't say hardly anything. i think we finally arrived at daycare around 4:15 and i had seven text messages and four missed phone calls... which made me laugh quite a bit cause i forgot about calling anyone at this point.
we picked up gavin and told him that he was going to have a baby brother and that's when it hit me... a little brother. WE'RE HAVING A BOY! wow! two little boys... oh my goodness! so excited! we got home and played outside and i got to send out the messages and make the phone calls and got super super excited. weird, we're having a boy!
since i put gavin in bed... which was just over 15 minutes ago i've changed every idea i had in my head for the baby's room; blues now, different bedding, different drawers, different shelves, pretty much different everything- and i thought i was so planned for a boy/girl baby room... nope. i've texted dan at least three times tonight (he's working on some basement somewhere) about different names i like. seeing what he likes... or more like, doesn't like. so i feel like the last 5 and a half months i've just been planning for a girl- which is weird cause i've thought this baby was a boy from the get go.
okay enough. this baby is healthy and a snuggler. the tech said that he wouldn't stop laying on his stomach, which made things hard for her to see/take pictures of, but still active. so that's also why it took so long. the only thing that is somewhat abnormal is that my placenta is low, which is what happened with gavin and we just had to monitor it and have a few more ultrasounds to make sure it moves up so there's not anymore complications.
so that's it. crazy huh? i guess i'm still in shock, but a good one :) two little boys... wow. this is actually what i prayed for when i was younger... two boys, then a girl.... hmmmm.