it felt amazing to not wake up with a hangover this weekend, and i guess now that i say that i haven't since new years. i've finally realized that you can drink a little and not get shitfaced and still have an amazing time. don't get me wrong, i do tend to enjoy having too much alchy and busting out crazy moves on the dance floor- but i'm going to try to save them for another time. plus, i hvae to save them for when my little man spends the night somewhere else (which hasn't happened yet, and i'm not ready for that) because getting up with him in the morning should be hangover free so i can enjoy it.
random fact #2: I am in some CRAZY love with travis barker... YUMMY :) i've had my "list" of men that i google when i'm bored (kristin has seen it) and for some reason keep forgetting him. by list also includes all those bad boys like the late heath ledger, hottie cam gigandet, old school luke perry, beefy channging tatum, cheating jude law, and the mr. mark walberg. sadly, NONE of these men look anything like my dear husband.. whenever i talk about one of these men he totally busts out a comment letting me know that i'm crazy and that if maybe he wore a mask of one of these men he'd get some more lovin'.. ohh dan.
random fact #3: i think bella's getting old, that's all i'm going to say about that.
random fact #4: people should grow up and some talking about the "things" they own... but really don't own them. believe me, i have about $15.000 to pay on my car, a mortgage, college loans, a small amount of debt dan and i have accumulated together, but that's it. i'm sick to death of all these "adults" that still get money from their parents to go shopping, pay their CELL PHONE BILLS, or buy a new something for themselves. all i'm going to say is GOOD LUCK with your life. wait until you actually become an adult and have to work for everything you have. gettttttta job. dan and i do get "handouts" from our parents, but not in excess.. ahh
random fact #5: i've read some really good books in the last couple months and need to figure out some others, any ideas- let me know. to go along with that jillian is kicking my ass almost everyday with her 30 day shred, workout for wii and just the wii fit plus in general- i'm so thankful!
random fact #6: the grammys were amazing.. but taylor swift did not need to win her award :(
i think i've written some things that people could get offended by so i'm going to go to bed. if your going to bed and enjoy some of the hotties i've listed... drift away...