i kinda just love gavin and the random things he says.
seriously, i can't believe how big he is and how smart he's become. dan and i really need to start watching what we say. the other day i said "oh shit" and what came out of gavin's mouth? "oh shiiit"... we don't want to have "that kid" that swears and says naughty things. he catches onto things so quickly and soaks things up like a sponge. he's going to be quite the carpenter like his daddy. he can tell you what a hammer, a screwdriver, wrench, drill and other tools are. colors are mastered, counting to 10 is pretty close-- sometimes we miss 8 and 9, he can tell me "g" is for gavin and "a" is for alvin (and the chipmunks, don't forget the munks) and he can sing and repeat nursery rhymes like a champ. the abc's are, well, a work in progress, he would rather just sing/humm with me. he helps his mommy clean and dust, do the dishes and sweep.
he feeds his fish and bella everyday- with minimal help might i add ;) we're still working hard on the potty training, but when is BM's are nasty nast cause of his final teeth coming through, it makes it hard to get to the potty in time... oh well, it will come.
yes, i am braggin on my little man.
of course there are things that i could live without- the small temper tantrums when he doesn't get his way, the days without naps, crawling out of bed and telling me "no mama" when it's bedtime, the fact that gavin isn't a fan of eating out- or waiting for his food. but now that i'm listing the things that i don't like about gavin, it makes me think of more and more things i love about him. and even the things that drive me crazy about gavin aren't that bad, they are gavin. the good, the bad- but they're all gavin. he's our only gavin. the good will always outnumber the bad- well, not bad, but frustrating.
i feel like gavin has grown up and become this perfect half&half of dan and i. i mean you can look at him and dissect things that look just like me, and just like dan. remember when he was a baby and looked identical to dan- well not so much anymore. he's so tall (that he gets from my dad) and finally has some hair(totally dans color), but his eyes and nose (that's from me).
i am so scared that our relationship is going to change- of course it is. it's not just me and my little man anymore. it will be me, my little man and this new baby. i am so scared that gavins going to think that i'm replacing him and i'm going to try my hardest to make special time for just gavin and i. i have to keep remembering that MILLIONS of people have more than one child and that it will be JUST FINE- deep breath, just fine.
gavin's favorite things are:
-thomas the trains cranky the crane
-the yellow excavator
-his kitchen set... yes, he has one and no, it's not girly
-of course his gator/black tractor that rarely gets used cause it's so cold outside
-veggies and fruits are a favorite, but chicken nuggets are absolute #1 in gavin's eyes
-root beer and apple juice are drinks of choice
-his favorite people- obviously mom and dad, and then papa ger-ger
-lilly's (horses) are his favorite animals
-still won't eat bread or hamburger
-SPK's (sour patch kids) are the only candy he can't live without
i mean the list could go on and on, but that's what comes to mind when i think about gavin's favorite things right now.
he is hands down, the best thing that has EVER happened to me. i couldn't imagine what life would be like without this little boy.

I still think he looks exactly like Dan!
ReplyDeleteI like the name Garrett..would be cute with Gavin ;)