the appointment didn't start off on the best foot. the ultrasound tech scolded me for not having a full enough bladder. it took every once of patience and deep breathing not to bark back at her and say "listen lady, every second of every day my bladder feels like it's going to burst. today is no different.".... but thankfully i didn't. she was not too thrilled with me but quickly got over it and decided that we'd do a vaginal ultrasound after she was through looking at the baby. she kind of gave dan and i a fright when she said, so they told you you were having a boy? we pretty much sat in panic mode for the next minute- or what seemed like fifteen minutes- before she said, yes it is a boy. thank goodness! i would be ecstatic if it were a girl in there, but we are 100% prepared for a boy and i think it would escalate my blood pressure to an all time high if they switched genders on us.
so my placenta has moved up, praise the Lord. no scheduled c-section for this lady. baby is measuring in the 57 percentile, weighing in at a whopping 5lbs 3 oz, and looking healthy as ever. we got a up close and personal view of our babes face and he actually looks like gavin, or what we could tell, so we're pretty excited about that too. he's in position to be born and overall, it was a good check up and again, i'm hoping its our last ultrasound.
i am more than ready to have this baby. my emotions are extremely high. i somehow stumbled upon a website with a bunch of baby recalls and realized that our infant seat is on that list... so i had a huge meltdown and called dan crying my eyes out. obviously it was something we weren't expecting but he reassured me we would buy a new one and it would be fine. the more and more i checked and typed in the numbers off the seat it was not recalled. the same style was recalled but if it was made after a certain date it was fine. so my tears weren't necessary. i also cried the majority of the morning about my ring. two out of the three came off, but my anniversary band/gavins band won't. actually, i'm still really emotional about it because i'm ready to cry right now. i've tried everything... elevating it, freezing it, dental flossing my finger, lotion, windex, soap--- everything. it wont budge. i'm going to try again on saturday and if it won't come off i'm going into the jeweler and get it cut off. i already called ahead and talked to them about pricing and re-sizing and it's really reasonable (around $150) to get it cut off and re-sized to a larger size so i think that's our plan. it breaks my heart though, this ring means a lot to me and i shouldn't of waited so long to try to take it off. :(
i was re-reading my blog posts and got kind of sad (again, pregnancy talking) because all of my posts are about this baby or me and not really much about my sweet little love, gavin. so from here on out.... my posts are about him. get ready readers, you might be sick of hearing about gavin soon.
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