normally i am NOT, absolutely not, a poster about my relationship with dan.. it's hard, we work on it EVERY-SINGLE-DAY, it's very trying on both of us and sometimes we both want to throw in the towel. we're both really stubborn and butt heads quite often about the smallest things. we have "adult temper tantrums" sometimes and i'm not proud to say this, but we think that the "grass is greener on the other side"... we take each other for granted and even say hurtful things that we both end up regretting almost immediately after we say them. we don't do the PDA thing, never have, probably never will. sometimes people think we're crazy and they don't understand why were together, but we are. expressing our feelings about each other is hard for both of us to do, plus i feel that its something that is just kind of pushed into that "private area" where you talk to your bestest girl friend about (thanks for listening, sarah)... but today i'm going to break it, just this once.
i am so blessed to have such a hardworking, supportive, loving husband. he does everything in his power to provide the best life for gavin, this new baby and i. he works his normal 35-40 hours and then sometimes works another 15 during the week- which he LOVES to do- if carpentry paid better and came with the benefits of the union, he would do it full time. he has to go to school on saturdays and technically has one day off to relax. he would rather me stay at home and be a full time mommy to these (soon to be)boys than go to work, which for now is totally fine. he comes home from work and spends time teaching gavin "manly things" or splits an icee and watches a thomas the train videos for the umpteenth time. gavin lights up when dad walks through the door, although gavin is a HUGE mamma's boy, daddy is still pretty cool. dan has to listen to all of my problems regarding this pregnancy and usually doesn't make too much fun of me when i try to get up from the couch or bed with difficulty, or walk super slow and (i'll admit it) waddle. he also has to listen to me bitch and complain about my tumultuous relationship with my mom and try to remind me that this soon shall pass. (sick of all this talk yet?... i'm almost finished).
in every way, i am lucky. dan has been a great husband and father (even in bad times) and i need to find simple ways to express my gratitude and love for dan more and more everyday. not with just a simple i love you, but something more, something special. so this is going to be my "new years resolution" :) love you, babe!
also, to be more blunt- but i've been saying that for awhile now ;)
on another note- and this is actually a quick one.... sarah and shawn and expecting again! baby schroeder will be here around september. crazy that amara and gavin are almost exactly 9 months apart and this baby and their new baby will be almost exactly 9 months apart as well. i'm going to be an auntie again! :)