saturday on the way home from the shopping dan got a call. it was julian. "hey, hey, yea, what are you doing tonight?.... um, yea, let me talk to sam"
i thought, hmm okay? i told him last weekend after our all day/half night icescapade that i was NOT doing anything this weekend (drinking wise/going out).
dan said that julian got some tickets and wanted to take dan and i to a wild game for all the work dan's done on julians house. ummm OKAY!!!!! :)
we had the prevliege to go with andy and emily to a game in january and had a blast!
we rolled out of town around 9, too early for me on a weekend, and ventured to the cities---- PRE snow!
arrived at the excel center.
walked right in the perfect door to get straight to our section. i looked at the ticket--- it said, row 6, seat 17. now i didn't really understand that section 103, row six was...
right. off. center. ice......
OMG (and this is NO zoom on my camera phone).

so after 3 amazing and intense filled periods we were tied with detroit, 1-1.... the avid red wing fan siting next to me practically screamed in my ears after detroits goal. i'm sure i did the same as the wild got their only goal after a breakaway. it. was. aahhhhmazing.
sudden death over time. well, that took all of the 5 minutes. now onto the shoot out. the red wings scored their first goal (below).. and with two misses from the wild, detroit was up for the third and final shoot. they scored. boooo!

over all.... ahhhmazing! seriously, i am going to invest in many tickets next year. i miss hockey so much and i will DEFINITELY pay LOTS of money for those tickets. up close and personal is the way to go!
and I NEED a jersey... i've got four on my mind:
the common: clutterbuck
the hottie: backstrom
the for the last name: stoner or cullen ;)
the ride home was not so fabulous. with a whiteout, lots of snow and wind and probably five or so cars in the ditch we were happy to see darwin knowing we were very close to home.
THANK YOU JULIAN and TIF! we had a bbbbbbbbbbbbblast!
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