The day he asked me to marry him.
February 9th, 2007
We're doing the oh so wonderful dinner and a movie. Dinner: at Dan's second favorite place to eat, Buffalo Wild Wings. We can't make it to St. Cloud and back at a good time on a work night for TGIFridays- sorry Dan. Movie: a movie I've been dying to see since I've seen the first trailer, The Roommate.
I'm hoping for an amazing night.
That's right people, four years ago.
It still feels like yesterday, well kinda that he asked me to marry him. I can remember texting people that I was engaged, and really not many people believed me. I couldn't even believe it myself. At that point in my life I wasn't sure I even wanted to get married, let alone be engaged. But I said yes, because I loved/love Dan. I remember Hanna had just got engaged and I was living with Angie talking to her about how crazy it is that we're all growing up. And then all the sudden, bam! It was me texting Angie telling her to come home from the bar and help us celebrate.
We came home the next night (to Justine and Anthony's) and I hid my hands under the table. I was so shy to tell everyone about it. I didn't want people to make a fuss. So suddenly Justine and Kristin we're looking at me and I'm sure they were texting each other (even though they were right next to each other- something they used to do frequently). Then it just came out. I don't remember who said what but it went like this: "why that's a nice ring on your finger"....
I was like, uhhh yep. Then finally Dan broke out the news that we were engaged. They were all so surprised that we didn't freak out and tell them right away, but we were extremely modest. They second guessed me at first because.. dunn dunn dunn: it wasn't on facebook yet. BAHAHAHA!
This is the picture of the night after we got engaged. See how I'm still covering my hand? haha! Look at that blonde hair!!!! WOOOOW!

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