addisons mom is dans cousin, her name is nicole.
a couple days before christmas addy seemed to be a little bit pale to her parents. she has always been a little fair skinned with that milky skin, gorgeous blue eyes, and blonde hair i wouldn't mind being pale :) at christmas her parents (jared and niki) noticed that she had quite a few bruises all over her body.
i'll give you a little background information: addison has a younger and rambunctious brother, drik, so seeing bruises on her arms and legs wasn't something new.
so jared and niki looked at the bruises a little bit more once the holidays slowed down and decided to bring addy into the doctor. after a few questions and some blood work they discovered that addy has acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL) B-strain.
last week addy started her chemo treatments at the childrens hospital and she will have to go in every thursday to receive more.
another sad fact about this story is that jared and niki were supposed to be getting married this weekend in mexico. they had been planning this for quite some time. thankfully, the airlines and hotel/resort gave back jared and niki their money so that they could refocus on their beautiful daughter. the rest of the family and friends are now in mexico trying to have a good time under these circumstances.
we are hoping and praying and wishing all the best thoughts for addy. she is so strong that we are only thinking about the best. LOVE YOU!
you can visit addy's page here:
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