time has FLOWN by.
there are no words to express the love i have for this child.
actually, i was telling dan that i love gavin more than anything in the world.. i think he got a bit jealous.
gavin is wondrous!
he is at the 91% for height: 35inches
the 77% for weight: 28lbs
our own little linebacker :)
I'm bragging him up, cause it's my blog and I can, so if you don't want to hear me boast, don't read this. k?
at 18 months:
G is walking/running/skipping, and walking in his tippy toes
G is eating with a fork (kiddy fork), spoon and drinking from a big boy cup!
G is eating everything. he doesn't care for Bush's baked beans though or cake.
G is going "pee pee" on occasions in his big boy potty. he's done the #2 only once, but we're very proud!
G is a cleaner.. he helps mommy vacuum and dust all the time.
G is jumping off of the couch face first onto a pillow- it's scary.
G is climbing on everything, and by everything, I MEAN EVERYTHING.
G is saying words: mama, dada, papa, gaga (we think it means grandma?), bella, maddy, ball, bubbles, all done and milk.
G still has quite the temper which he get's from his papa Scott ;)
G LOVES to ride in daddy's big truck, sitting in the middle (in the back) so he can see out of the front windshield. he says "vroom vroooom" while the truck starts or the snowmobile.
G loves to shut off the tv, usually when i'm totally interested in something.
G loves to play in his room, by himself sometimes.
G loves to play in his room, by himself sometimes.
G has the most contagious laugh.
G is brushing his teeth, two times a day!
G's favorite snack is marshmallows???
G strongly dislikes the stroller. he's too independent to be pushed, he'd rather walk.
G will sit down for more than five minutes if we put in Shrek, and only Shrek..
G is soon to be in his "big boy bed" at the 2 year mark... MOM is scared :)
G's favorite friend to play with is Blaise. Gav likes to pretend he's 3 too.
G's favorite friends of mommy and daddy's would be Sarah by a long shot, and a tie between Anthony and Robbie/Jeremy for second.
G's favorite toy would be his Leapfrog LeapTop he got for Christmas
But Gavin's favorite people in the world would be mama and dada for sure. we are so happy with our little boy and are ENTIRELY grateful that he is a healthy boy.

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