seriously, time seems to be flying by. and to be honest i am okay with it. i enjoy the little newborn/infant time, but i am really excited for jude to be a toddler and up and walking around :)
here are a few things about jude:
-he is in the 80th percentile for weight, coming in at a whopping 16.6 lbs! and the 67th percentile for height at 25 inches.
-jude has decided to be a belly sleeper. he absolutely hates to be on is back. if he rolls over in his crib he will let you know and won't go back to bed until he's back on his belly.
-he loves his mommy, but hey who wouldn't :) daddy and gavin tie for second and grandma shari is defiantly number 3.
-he eats, a lot. 6oz every 2 (sometimes he'll push it to 3) hours..
-he adores his big bro, gavin. when jude is crying and i'm busy i'll send gavin over to talk to jude and he will immediately calm down. he smiles ear to ear at his big bro and loves when gavin "plays" with him.
-as much as jude loves to be with people he is usually okay being by himself... wait, not alone, but you must know what i mean... right?
-some say jude looks like gavin, but actually looks a lot like me when i was a baby. is that possible? yes, yes it is! and he has the most adorable little dimple right below his left eye and when he smiles, it melts my heart. and he smiles quite a bit so i melt all day long.
-jude makes quite a bit of noise. he likes to babble to me when we're in the car and when he's sitting in his highchair.
-speaking of the highchair, he also just had his first teeny tiny bit of rice cereal yesterday, and he loves it!
-as you can see in both of these pictures, jude loves his tongue... so so so cute! he is currently teething (so much fun...) so there is usually drool below this little tongue.
-we are very very blessed jude is a healthy and happy boy and are so happy to have him in our family.
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