and i mean that (somewhat) literally...
i joined a yoga class-- but you know that by now, hence my previous post. and on the first day our yoga instructor told us we were going to be doing handstands by the end of this session. at first i was like, oh ya, sure i can do a handstand. i mean, i thought i was pretty freakin awesome when i would do drunk handstands at parties (yea, pretty cool huh?) and i don't just mean on the keg ;) well as we were getting ready to do these handstands i totally freaked out. "what about my neck" is all i thought. well, i didn't do one yesterday at our class, but today i did! woo hoo! i was pretty excited. next week we don't have yoga so sarah and i are going to get together and try to continue our yoga routine... who wants to place bets that we will sit around and drink wine on our yoga mats and call it yoga? i'm pretty sure only that will happen ;)
on an extremely different note, gavin has been having a week of play dates. blaise has been hanging out with us from monday to wednesday and i am kind of sad to see him go. we have had so many great moments and did so many cool activities- i'm beginning to think that three kids wouldn't be that bad. but, definitely NOT now! or for quite some time. actually blaise and gavin are just about the same age difference than gavin and jude are. it has been so much fun and pretty easy ( i will say) having blaise here. he and gavin play together and i, well, i just continuously clean up after them and break up the teeny tiny spats they have, usually over a toy! we have been having fun and it's been wearing gavin out!
on tuesday, while mr jude slept in his swing.. (surprise surprise, a sleeping baby?)

we made playdough and cupcakes.

and had to stop to enjoy an icee

they thought it was pretty cool to make playdough and then be able to play with it...
and cupcakes as well...

i couldn't believe how serious both boys were about frosting the cupcakes... they weren't so serious about eating them... it was a huge mess! i was pretty proud of myself... i didn't even have one!! woo hoo for sam!
we finished out our wednesday together by ordering some pizza.. we got the "pizza box" and it was perfect for the boys and i. 8 small pieces, breadsticks and cinasticks... we had a lot left over, enough for dan to take to work today!

another positive? well justine and theresa came over on monday and delievered this:

WHO'S EXCITED? not me.. I AM ESCATIC! i couldn't be more honored and happy about justine and anthony getting married, and being a part of this special day. i mean, i feel like i've been waiting for the ring on justines finger just as long as she has. THANK YOU ANTHONY, for finally proposing to your girlfriend of SEVEN years :) ahhh love! justine is so prepared for this weeding- she has the colors, dresses, decor and most everything set... now to just book a venue! they are getting married next summer... so that means??? another fabulous summer full of weddings! cannot wait!
gavin has a busy rest of the week as well. grandpa and grandma are taking gavin out to taco johns (his favorite) today and then friday he's going to daycare! woo hoo! this means i have some time to take some pictures of jude.. something i've been saying i was going to do for ummm well a month now. lets see if i can get some snapped today. i guess we have a busy weekend too. we are starting the project of finishing our small area of hardwood floors... and thank goodness we know some pretty awesome guy to do it for us for... the great price of... free! of course we plan on paying him something, but he doesn't want any money- just some beer.. OKAY! the only bad part... staying at my moms with both boys, urgh!
Cute pics! Blaise had a BLAST with you Jude and Gavin. Just yesterday he was telling me that Jude is a "special baby" because you don't have to be quiet around him when he is sleeping! Thank you so much for helping us out last week. Your a lifesaver! Let me know if you ever need help. Every once in a while I take an advanced yoga class in St. Cloud on wednesday nights (coincidentally Fuji has discounted sushi on Weds. nights). Let me know if you ever want to join!