this past weekend the santa semi came to town... with frosty, rudolph, santa and a couple extra helpers! it was fabulous!

clearly, gavin was way more excited to look at the fire trucks and the big semi trailer than to take a picture with "fosty"

dan was so excited to show gavin the lights and santa and everything else the santa semi entailed. it was a proud daddy and gavin moment.

so thankful that santa semi came to litchfield, and for kinsella chiropractic for putting this on for all the little ones.
so the weeekend before seeing the santa semi we picked out our christmas tree at turks trees. it was eventful to say the least. gavin was kind of in a strange mood and did more "hiding" and running away than helping us pick out a tree. we had to pretend that the rabbits were chasing us around to get him to stay with mom and dad. it was so odd picking out a tree with no snow on the ground.

gavin still loves the chickens, but....

he hates the turkeys. i must agree with him though- they are not very cute.

this is gavin, chasing after me and the rabbits ;)
that same weekend my mom took gavin to the stockade for an old fashioned christmas. she said he was such a good little boy and had so much fun decorating this pine cone, you can kind of see it in the picture.. that after only 2 minutes in the car he looked like this. gavin slept for 3 hours after hanging out with grandma.

so tired.
the first snowfall.. where did the snow go? gavin and daddy went out and shoveled the snow, in the dark. he was having such a good time shoveling he started to shovel the snow in the grass, it was pretty cute.

all dressed and ready to go help dad.
that same day we decided to make homemade playdough. something i found on pinterest. gavin's quite the helper in the kitchen. and yes, he is getting a kitchen for christmas- i don't care what people say about it being "girly"... he has an imagination, might as well use it!

ready to be moms little helper.

cool huh?

we made green and blue and red. next up we're going to make purple. neon colors of course! yea, i felt like a super cool mom when he was so excited to make it. again, he's such a helper in the kitchen... i love it! you can find the recipe here.
next up: tonight is the santa train in eden valley... it's a little late (9pm) but i think he'll be so excited to see it that he'll stay awake! this weekend we're taking him to see santa in town, and of course, to see the fire trucks as well!
christmas is just around the corner, so dan and i need to get in a good night of finishing our christmas shopping. i can't wait to put the presents under the tree and see gavin light up :)
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