it was a beautiful day out today. we are so blessed with this sunshine... and no rain! it was a perfect spring day!

he's going to be two! can you believe that? we spent the entire, and i do mean entire day outside. it was simply glorious to have the sun shinning down and the both of us getting some well deserved and much needed vitamin d.

gavin got to enjoy some yummy gummy bears while hanging out in daddy's truck.. a favorite thing to do on a warm sunny day. he can even put the right key in the ignition, scary huh?

maddy spent the entire day outside as well. galloping around the yard and chasing everything that moves. she is so big and so beautiful!

and he still loves his mo mo's.

gavin and i continued our day outside and went to my moms house to check out rufis- her bunny-who's very old! he just went to the vet and got his teeth shaved because they were so outgrown and he was having a hard time eating. he now looks like a new, sweet, cuddly rabbit. gavin loves him and we always let him out of his cage to eat some sweet green grass.

i've always been so inspired by my moms since of "shabby sheek" outdoor decor.. and i'm really excited to say that i will be a "copy cat" in the next couple of weeks. her creations are almost by accident, like this beautiful old end table that she left outside and started to put various things on it. then.... it turned into this and it's amazing. i love the duck, and might have to sneak away my moms chicken that's in her entryway ;)

this is also going to be a new flower bed at my house... a little different of course but somewhat similar. i'm in love with it!

gavin always enjoys some play time at grandmas house with all of her different toys. i can remember playing with these books when i was younger, and they still look great.

we came home and i decided to make dinner.. i made some great home made augratin potatoes. they were so delicious and surprisingly dan thought they were good as well, minus the peas.

ended the day with some sorbet... it was amazing. now i'm watching no strings attached, gavin's in bed, and dan went out to bipes' house to work on a mud truck... tis the season!
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