December 31st, 2008:
Spending the night at a bar when I've just finally figured out I'm pregnant is NOT the thing I want to be doing. Bringing my friends home and crawling into my bed sounded like a much more appealing situation. The month of January was FILLED with many, and I empathize on many, doctors appointments and thousands of questions and finally a ultrasound. We told a couple close friends and our parents, minus my dad by the end of the month.
My baby boy... Belly at 37 wks? gosh, now I don't remember
February: Super Bowl Sunday I finally told my dad while spending the morning ice fishing, or freezing my ass off. It was a little bit more than awkward when my dad asked me if I wanted a beer before I told him. Just before the game was over I said, "Your going to be a grandpa".... those words didn't come out easily. He was ecstatic and so happy for Dan and I. Telling my dad I was moving to Montana, moving home from Montana, BROKE in Montana, engaged, that we picked a date and that I was going to go to school to do hair was NOTHING.... repeat, nothing compared to what I was going to say to him when I was pregnant. Ahh, it went fine.
March: ... no I'm not going to go through every month... I had a horrible pain in my back, or a baby on my sciatic nerve for more than three weeks. Which meant almost two weeks of missing work and laying in my bed. And there was no 'cure all' for this problem. Not a pain reliever, no dr visit... nothing! Needless to say Dan had a fit!
April & May: Dr visits and growing bigger and bigger and getting annoyed with getting bigger and bigger.
June: <3>
June 25th, 2009 @ 7 am.
I arrive at the hospital ready for my baby to come!
I laid in bed for awhile.. many tests, many monitors... around 12 they decided to start my potocin and at 12:45 my amazing Dr, Dr. Amy Brown, broke my water. Mel and Shari came to see us and were quickly rushed out of the room because of my pain. At 2 I got my epidural and at 5 I started to push. By 5:54 my baby... Gavin Scott Schroeder was in my arms. My pregnancy was not a horror story, not at all actually. I had no problem getting drugs and since I was sick I had no problem with them inducing me. Also, I had to "ripping" which for you mothers, you know that's a good thing...
Baby Gavin.. ahh hearts and hugs! xoxo
Oh, also Danielle and Max got engaged... YAY!
July & August: MOVING MOVING MOVING, planning planning planning.
September & October: Max and Danielle got MARRIED! A beautiful shore side ceremony at the Johnson Cottage with the reception at the Eagles. Defiantly a good night. And then Halloween night Kristin and Eric got engaged... Another wedding. Three weddings to be in, one every year! Now someone needs to get engaged and plan for 2011!

December: Came and thank goodness it's over. We had a horrible loss of a friend and it's still not totally real yet. The holidays came.. I enjoy the holidays and love spending time with my family but it gets a little much. Gavin enjoys spending the days/nights at his house, with an occasional outing, but lets be honest they are very slim since this frigid weather came.
I spent NYE at the Johnson residence... Kristin & Eric, Emily & Any, Danielle & Max and me & Dan.. it was a couples thing.. Then we met Katy and Blair out at SOB's for a little drinky drinky. I, no matter what, drink quite a bit when I go to SOB's so my ride home is always very interesting. We got home to our beautiful baby boy sleeping away in his cribby. The grandparents were excited to have us home and safe and tucked in bed.

And now it's 2010... A WHOLE NEW YEAR. I will keep my resolutions- no matter what. I don't know if this year could top 2009 but I'm willing to try!
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