and so it came and went, my beloved halloween.


i think that halloween and the fourth of july are my favorite holidays, third place goes to christmas. at halloween you get to dress up as fun and crazy as you want, and no one can say ANYTHING about it. this year i begged and begged dan to be batman.... it worked! we went as batman and robin and it was so much fun. we had quite the night... drinking too much at the amazing sob's, and going over for those shots and final drinks at the pub across the street. by the way, i didn't need those shots. ;) finally, around 2 am gerry (dan's dad) came and picked up... me, dan, jeremy, robbie, caleb, justine, anthony, theresa, emily, andy, blair, katy, kim and caleb... if you count gerry driving, thats a record number of 15 PEOPLE in a MINI VAN!!! too many for me considering we rode out there comfortably with a total of seven, well i take that back, we picked up jeremy, robbie and caleb in kingston, so ten. needless to say by the time we returned to our house i was more than ready for bed. with daylight savings time it was a little early at 7 am when gavin woke me, ready for the day. see, in gavin's world it's still an hour later... normally we wake up, eat and then take an hour or two nap... well, the day after halloween that didn't happen. he was so happy it kind of made up for it.

this is gavin around 10 am on sunday.
fall is here and it's so beautiful. the weather is amazing, thus far and i'm enjoying every minute of it. my mom often housesits for sue barrick out at her farm when she and her husband take their many hunting trips. so whenever she's out there i always come out and spend some time with her. i get to feed chickens, doggies and horses.. while running around throwing the ball for gunner and vadar. i did enjoy myself running around taking photos while the sun was setting. we took some really cute pictures of gavin too, before he got full of leaves and threw a fit. for right now dan and i are settled into our house in town, but someday, someday i will be out in the country with a barn, enjoying the country life- maybe when i'm 30??? haha.

we're finally finishing our house! and by that i mean painting and decorating the walls. since we've moved in we've had nasty floral boarder (in EVERY room), and white bare walls, gross! now we have only three rooms with white walls: the bathroom, our room and the living room. gavins room is done, the spare bedroom is done, the basement is done and the kitchen is done. dan refuses to paint the living room any sort of color, so i'm giving in and leaving those walls white since we have all black frames, shelves, tv stand and coffeetable.
KRISTIN IS GETTING MARRIED. kristin and eric have been together for longer than i can remember and finally he popped the question while she was visiting him over halloween in virgina. they are getting married august 21st, 2010.... AND she's more than ahead of herself with all of the planning. i'm soooo excited, as i've been asked to be a bridesmaid! it's going to be a busy summer again this year :) bring it on.

gavin's baptism is this weekend, i'm sure he'll be cute as ever in his little white get--up. hope the day goes well. after this weekend is done i'm starting the christmas season early, well minus the tree. i cannot wait to start decorating. oh, and dan FINALLY figured out where the hot tub is leaking. i'm hoping it will be fixed by next weekend so we can enjoy it.
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