check off the ironman bike ride for this lady.
the ride went well. as well as can be expected. i would be lying if i said i felt great after the race. one thing i will say is that the padded shorts helped me out, big time. the other thing i will say about them is that the "pad" and yes, that is what it feels like- just having a baby and putting on one of the JUMBO pads from the hospital- is not long enough. it needs to cover the crotch a little bit better. whatever. i am fine. just an fyi for you "bikers" out there.
the ride was gorgeous. we rode most of the morning in a beautiful state park, gateway trail i believe it was called. i would defiantly like to go back and bring lilly and ride on the trails there. beautiful. after our first and only rest stop we headed onto the roads which were full of... HILLS. now, i don't know if i mentioned that i haven't rode a bike since last summer. i mean i have rode stationary bikes at the gym as a warm up for my workouts. but on a road, with hills?? that's one thing i would normally avoid. well sam, you signed up for a bike ride in stillwater..... a hilly town. what did you expect? i almost died on the four block uphill battle... seriously. at one point this old man looked at me and said, "that downhill ride will be worth it...." um, sure... it wasn't- just to clarify. i was actually thinking about calling it a day. getting off my bike and calling the number to have someone come pick me up, but i didn't.
kim and i rode together almost the entire way. we got separated at one point and i could only see her bright green tee when i was climbing (dying) up a hill. somehow we got back together and finished the 29 mile bike ride together. i believe we finished the bike ride in just over 2 hours? we should have been more on top of setting a clock and actually bringing a garmin or something to calculate the distance, speed, ect. 29 miles. 29 miles. 29 miles.
again.... 29 miles.
i think i would do it again? maybe actually train for it the next time around. oddly enough i wasn't sore and actually went to bootcamp the day after. hoorrraaaaaaay for me!
i also will give myself another pat on the back. lately i have been struggling to surpass the normal 6 miles i run every week. after my long day of jury duty (more on that later) i decided to head out with maddy and run. i didn't look at my garmin once, just focused on the single headphone i had in my ear with my out-of-date ipod, and focused on maddy. making sure she left the other runners, walkers, dogs alone. (i do not put maddy on a leash, she criss crosses back and fourth in front of me if i do). anyways, i crushed that 8 mile run! i did it in just over an hour. 1 hour and 21 minutes. i wish i could bring maddy to my half marathon. she keeps my brain focused on her, not what negative thoughts i have about giving up. i honestly think that's why i made the 8 mile, and didn't stop once.
tomorrow i am walking for something i have a great passion for: the humane society. i can't wait. the boys, maddy and my mom will be walking 5 miles in golden valley to support the humane society of minnesota. and dan will be building at the new playground at lake ripley. we've got a busy saturday ahead.
i also get to pick up my bridesmaid dress for katy and blairs wedding. i have never been so excited to get a dress in my life.