So forgive mr for my many errors in this post
I am on the iPad because I cannot seem to find the power cord for the computer. Gavin is at preschool so I can't ask him where he put it.
We are moving! After years and years of dreaming...... We are doing it. We are moving to beautiful Bozeman, Montana.
Yes, this is a lie.
I DESPERATELY want to move, and yes, we have thought and looked into the idea. We've been looking online at Bozeman real estate and it is impossible to find a home in Bozeman under $250,000. We could easily rent a house or townhouse if we chose to move and that would always be a possibility. Looking at the price value of our current home and what we could do with it, sell/rent. Dan's pay scale would drop significantly because the need is not as high in Montana, so I would have to go back to work - which will happen no matter what. I've read about Bozeman schools and the education out there. I mean we've done most of the research.
The only thing that keeps us here, and this is the only major reason- income. Which is all that is holding us back.
Sometimes I feel like it would solve many many many of our problems. Make a lot of things less complicated. Bring us closer. Make us live a completely different life. Bring our kids up a different way. Rely on different things. Change the way we are. Depend more upon each other which is LACKNG now more than ever. Bond our family. Make us more grateful.
Of course we would miss our family. But that's what holidays are for. Plus my mom retires in two years... She WOULD move out there. I feel like a move would change a lot of our friendships as well, and that wouldn't be such a bad thing either.
I pray this will be a possibility and not just a dream. I feel like our little vacation out west will solidify the fact that I want to make this happen now more than ever.
Friday, March 22, 2013
Thursday, March 7, 2013
any cuter
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
one year old?
my sweet little jude baby is one year old.
i am sad that we didn't get to celebrate his day of birth, on his actual day of birth + a year... but i'm almost positive it didn't effect him in anyway. yes, his birthday was over two weeks ago... i am late in posting.
i swear jude could eat us all under the table. the amounts of food he can devour is mind blowing! i can somewhat remember these times with gavin. i think gavin ate an entire can of spaghetti o's once. he only has an actual bottle in the mornings now. which is totally my choice. chicken, fruit, any veggie, pasta, cracker, chip, graham cracker... anything is judes favorite. actually, come to think about it i don't think jude dislikes any food in particular.
we are now crawling. the actual crawl started just about a month ago. otherwise it was all army crawls. i blame it on all of our hardwood floors and no carpet, but that's probably just me making excuses. he is almost walking independently. my sweet jude baby is a little bit behind in the walking gross motor skill. nothing alarming, just something that will come a little later. gavin was the exact same way. he didn't walk until about 13 months. and no, i'm not comparing the two boys, just making a reference. these boys are two polar opposites when it comes to "baby years".
the snow is not something jude loves. probably because his first encounter was a giant face plant into the white, cold stuff. we cannot wait for spring. he loves the stroller and to see watch things as we pass by. i can't wait for him to walk on the grass for the first time and to play in the dirt!
maddy and bella make jude laugh uncontrollably. it is amazing the joy that these two dogs bring to his life. he loves to grab onto maddy and pull her into his face. which in return she gives him really slobbery kisses. it's somewhat adorable.
"heeeeeeeeeeeeeey jude" yep... we still get that. if you are not a beatles fan like this mom then i suggest you listen to hey jude. it really is a catchy tune. it is kind of crazy the amounts of comments we get on jude's name. most people love it and sing me a line from the famous beatles song. and we've had a few people look at us in confusion when we say his name. and actually i've heard from about five people it was on their "baby list" of names. it's been on my list for quite some time... and actually i would've probably named the baby jude if it was a girl or a boy. it can be a "gender neutral" name. i love saying jude's full name: jude andrew schroeder. it just flows so well... actually i think jude andrew is pretty amazing in itself. thanks andy for having a fabulous name.
he's a lengthy one. towering over most of the one year olds at 32 inches. his weight is up there too, 24 big ones. 80th% for height, 60th% for weight. he wears a size 3 diaper, even though he has a ghetto booty he has a tiny little waistline. the boy can still fit into 6-12 month clothing, and can wear some 18 month hand me downs from gavin.
my eye concerns with jude are still there. although we've gotten plenty of reassurance from doctors and eye doctors i will always be a little nervous about it... until that day when it goes away or i don't notice it as much. almost everyone i talk to about it doesn't even notice it. just me i guess.
small boys favorites are mom and dad. since we left for our west vacations he has become clingy to the both of us. it is very sweet and very annoying at the same time. leaving a room or running out to the garage quick is an immediate scream session. gavin is totally annoyed with it as well.
blankie #1 and #2 are something that jude adores. we do not leave for a long car trip without them. and when he's upset he will crawl into his room and pull one or both of them out to smash his face into. i love that he loves his blankie.. i had one for years and years and years and it's his only "comfort" thing. no nuks, no thumbs, nothing... just blankie.
LOVES water. bath time could easily last over an hour if i let it.
"rock me mama like a wagon wheel, rock me mama anyway you feel, hey mama rock me".... ask me any phrase from the song. i know it. we listen to it everyday, at least five times a day. it will calm jude down like crazy. it's the #1 song on dan and my "top listened to songs" on our iphones. we're hoping that maybe he'll want to become a famous country singer and make millions of dollars and give mom and dad plenty for introducing him to country music.
mickey mouse clubhouse is the only thing jude loves on tv. when the theme song plays he smiles and screams in delight. it's adorable. it lasts only about three minutes.
jude still loves to attack bellas food and water dish like it is going to harm him in some way. we haven't quite figured out what the fascination is... it's probably like when jude pulls out wires from the dvd player and i say no, and he smiles. you know, something i think we all did for the majority of our childhood; give a devilish grin to our parents and continue to do the naughty task.
he is such a joy... and i know i say it over and over again but we are so lucky he is a part of our family. our lives would be so dull without him! bring on the next year jude baby.
(pictures to follow shortly)
i am sad that we didn't get to celebrate his day of birth, on his actual day of birth + a year... but i'm almost positive it didn't effect him in anyway. yes, his birthday was over two weeks ago... i am late in posting.
i swear jude could eat us all under the table. the amounts of food he can devour is mind blowing! i can somewhat remember these times with gavin. i think gavin ate an entire can of spaghetti o's once. he only has an actual bottle in the mornings now. which is totally my choice. chicken, fruit, any veggie, pasta, cracker, chip, graham cracker... anything is judes favorite. actually, come to think about it i don't think jude dislikes any food in particular.
we are now crawling. the actual crawl started just about a month ago. otherwise it was all army crawls. i blame it on all of our hardwood floors and no carpet, but that's probably just me making excuses. he is almost walking independently. my sweet jude baby is a little bit behind in the walking gross motor skill. nothing alarming, just something that will come a little later. gavin was the exact same way. he didn't walk until about 13 months. and no, i'm not comparing the two boys, just making a reference. these boys are two polar opposites when it comes to "baby years".
the snow is not something jude loves. probably because his first encounter was a giant face plant into the white, cold stuff. we cannot wait for spring. he loves the stroller and to see watch things as we pass by. i can't wait for him to walk on the grass for the first time and to play in the dirt!
maddy and bella make jude laugh uncontrollably. it is amazing the joy that these two dogs bring to his life. he loves to grab onto maddy and pull her into his face. which in return she gives him really slobbery kisses. it's somewhat adorable.
"heeeeeeeeeeeeeey jude" yep... we still get that. if you are not a beatles fan like this mom then i suggest you listen to hey jude. it really is a catchy tune. it is kind of crazy the amounts of comments we get on jude's name. most people love it and sing me a line from the famous beatles song. and we've had a few people look at us in confusion when we say his name. and actually i've heard from about five people it was on their "baby list" of names. it's been on my list for quite some time... and actually i would've probably named the baby jude if it was a girl or a boy. it can be a "gender neutral" name. i love saying jude's full name: jude andrew schroeder. it just flows so well... actually i think jude andrew is pretty amazing in itself. thanks andy for having a fabulous name.
he's a lengthy one. towering over most of the one year olds at 32 inches. his weight is up there too, 24 big ones. 80th% for height, 60th% for weight. he wears a size 3 diaper, even though he has a ghetto booty he has a tiny little waistline. the boy can still fit into 6-12 month clothing, and can wear some 18 month hand me downs from gavin.
my eye concerns with jude are still there. although we've gotten plenty of reassurance from doctors and eye doctors i will always be a little nervous about it... until that day when it goes away or i don't notice it as much. almost everyone i talk to about it doesn't even notice it. just me i guess.
small boys favorites are mom and dad. since we left for our west vacations he has become clingy to the both of us. it is very sweet and very annoying at the same time. leaving a room or running out to the garage quick is an immediate scream session. gavin is totally annoyed with it as well.
blankie #1 and #2 are something that jude adores. we do not leave for a long car trip without them. and when he's upset he will crawl into his room and pull one or both of them out to smash his face into. i love that he loves his blankie.. i had one for years and years and years and it's his only "comfort" thing. no nuks, no thumbs, nothing... just blankie.
LOVES water. bath time could easily last over an hour if i let it.
"rock me mama like a wagon wheel, rock me mama anyway you feel, hey mama rock me".... ask me any phrase from the song. i know it. we listen to it everyday, at least five times a day. it will calm jude down like crazy. it's the #1 song on dan and my "top listened to songs" on our iphones. we're hoping that maybe he'll want to become a famous country singer and make millions of dollars and give mom and dad plenty for introducing him to country music.
mickey mouse clubhouse is the only thing jude loves on tv. when the theme song plays he smiles and screams in delight. it's adorable. it lasts only about three minutes.
jude still loves to attack bellas food and water dish like it is going to harm him in some way. we haven't quite figured out what the fascination is... it's probably like when jude pulls out wires from the dvd player and i say no, and he smiles. you know, something i think we all did for the majority of our childhood; give a devilish grin to our parents and continue to do the naughty task.
he is such a joy... and i know i say it over and over again but we are so lucky he is a part of our family. our lives would be so dull without him! bring on the next year jude baby.
(pictures to follow shortly)
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