jude and i headed off to our six week check up today... all things good.
i started off our appointment first.
i will admit that i usually don't look at the scale when i have to hop right on it. but when my doctor came in and congratulated me on getting back to my pre-baby weight, i was pretty excited. i am exactly at the weight i was when i got pregnant, almost down to the ounce. i am, however, not where i would like to be... but can check off that goal that i wanted to achieve by may. i am well on my way to my goal weight and body, lets hope i can continue. everything with me is going great and i feel so fabulous.
jude, well with the weight that i'm shredding, he just might be gaining. jude is hefty- 11lbs 2oz! yep, i knew he was going to be a little fatty :) he's in the 69th percentile for weight and only the 50th percentile for height, at 21 2/3 inches long. i think gavin might of got the height gene in the family, and jude the weight... for now. our doctor was extremely thrilled to see how strong judes neck is and how he can just about roll over already. she also confirmed that since he is so incredibly strong it is PERFECTLY okay for him to sleep on his belly. i have had NUMEROUS incredibly rude mothers comment about how jude is a belly sleeper and honestly make me feel like a horrible mother for letting him sleep on his belly.. shame on you! poor thing got his shots today and is "sleeping like a baby". i am a-okay with him sleeping now cause it gives me some much needed workout time. i haven't worked out since friday :( but today is a workout day and a yoga day so i am pretty excited!
also, the weather is fabulous so if jude wants to sleep for a few more hours that's okay as well! i have some gardening that i would like to finish! LOVE this spring :)