last night they were "jammin" till 4am. yep. 4am.
last night we all had a hard time falling asleep to the loud music and yelling going on.
tonight, well i've heard every single katy perry song......... loud and clear.
i'm totally spent.
so again i ask, how do i kindly call the cops?
we've thought about knocking on the door and asking them to turn down the music, but we know they will knock on our door tomorrow (while they're still drunk) and apologize and make us feel even more annoyed because they NEVER leave.
another issue- not so much the neighbors themselves, but the 28 year old "son" that lives there... he's a bum and we're all pretty sure there is some serious dealing, and i don't mean cards, going on when he's there. if he wasn't there, we would have NO issues.
by the way- we live on 3rd street. the entire street is full of older couples and tons of families. so why do they need to live right next to us? urgh! what to do?