so i win the "failure of a mom" award for this week...
sunday: gavin got bit in the right pointer finger by a mule... dumb juiet. his finger is fine, but obviously it hurt.
monday: gavin fell down the stairs (he was about half way up) while "helping" me bring up the laundry. he cried for just about three minutes and then was totally fine. we called the ER and talked about the signs/symptoms of a concussion- he didn't have any of the signs but STILL it was the scariest thing i've ever witnessed and i hope/pray/wish it will never happen again.
tuesday: while spending my day with blaise we ventured out to the swing set, which is somewhat close to the lake.. mistake NUMBER 1 for the day. blaise wanted to go on the dock and i was trying to get him off of the dock when i turned around to not see gavin. ummmmmmmm PANIC mode, 100%. so i turn the other way only to find my dearest love walking into the lake. thankfully it was VERY shallow and he just got his jeans a little wet. mistake NUMBER 2 for the day. petey (their dog) ran away while jeff was trying to "shoot down the damn tree" and when i left at 4:30 they still hadn't found him. they did find him at 7. do you think i'll ever babysit again? urgh!
after talking with katy and hearing some stories of what blaiser has done in his younger years and this year i am okay with knowing that i have much more in store for me... and we (katy and i) are hoping that gavin's getting all of these horror events out of his system this week. tomorrow we are not doing anything crazy and are going to hide all of the power cords/anything dangerous.
my day did get wonderful.... eventually.
i went for an amazing jog, not sure about the mileage as i could never track it :) through the woods tonight. i brought with three dogs on this occasion... two good, one okay. maddy, our dog, was one of the good ones! on my jog i ran into, four HUGE deer. now i've never been scared of these beautiful and tasty creatures but seeing how HUGE they are up close, personal and alive was hugely intimidating! the dogs didn't scare them away, at first. eventually the deer pranced off, but i stood there for just about another minute in complete shock as to how close i was to these deer... two with huge antlers... ehhhhh. i actually picked up a stick (come on sam!) and ran with it the rest of the way. now i ask myself "what would this stick do for you???" as i continued my run through these deep woods i came upon more and more wildlife and the only thing that the dogs would scare was me. all of the sudden they would just STOP... directly in front of me and NOOOOOOOOOT move as i continue running towards them. this is where i gripped onto my stick just a little bit tighter. if the hunters who own this land have trail cams they will be interested to see me, in bright yellow, jogging along with three dogs and a stick... i came upon about four deer stands, two duck boats and one not so happy to see me duck hunter and his dog. he was walking back to his truck but was very interested how i was able to run on this property, being as it wasn't mine.. but wasn't his either. i did have to explain myself as best as i could and i think he was okay with it- maybe? he did give me a smile and say that the dogs were well behaved. hopefully i'm still allowed to run this course cause there aren't too many other good running areas in this town. and i don't want to drive to paynesville every time i want to run!