gavin is still awake. ummm, gavin do you know it's 10:30? i don't really care, but i'm running out of energy. the only plus side to this late night party gavin seems to be having is that i'm HOPING he'll sleep in a little longer tomorrow?? ummmmmmmmmidoubtit. but maybe?
maybe he's waiting for daddy to get home after his long late night trip to Montevideo with andy? ummmmmmmmmidoubtit.
i have officially bought my first vikings apparel. too little too late? i should have bought it last year! i am hoping that I'M going to attend a vikings game :) since my husband is not a football fan i think i'll go tag-a-long with the boys. lord save me. i'm sure they'd make me be their sober cab or something.
halloween costumes are coming along just swell. dan's actually excited for this years events.
THE past WEEKEND: gav and i spent all day saturday in paynesville with my grandma and dad. my dad honestly lit up with joy when he saw gavin walk and to hear gavin gabber almost brought tears to his eyes. but when gavin let grandpa carry him into great grandmas house, i bet it was the highlight of my dads week.he was beaming and it was precious. the remainder of the night we spent with the schroeder family eating amazing food and laughing our butts off at amara and gavin sitting & playing next to each other around the campfire. it was adorable!
THIS coming WEEKEND: we have another long family day on saturday. it's dan's cousins bridal shower (they're having a destination wedding, lucky) in new ulm & then heading to "the farm" afterwards to give gavin his first horse ride! he loves lilly and walks around holding onto lilly's lead every time we're there. this time i have to bring my camera so it can be a kodak moment. grandma volunteered (honestly, she did) to have gav spend the night out at "the farm" so i can actually sleep in, finally! although dan really would love to enjoy another long night out, i'm not sure if i'm up for it. justine's going away party was a great time, but definitely a hard early morning ;) i guess we'll see what the day/night brings. sunday we have amara's second birthday party!! woo hoo! i love that little girl more and more every time i see her and i think she just might love me too. i can't wait for another fun filled family weekend!